Internet Transactions Act

Internet Transactions Act: A Guide to Vital Provisions and Compliance

Key Provisions of the Internet Transactions Act

The Internet Transactions Act covers a wide range of online transactions, including but not limited to e-commerce transactions, electronic contracts, electronic signatures, and online payments. Among its key provisions are:

1. Electronic Contracts: The Act recognizes the validity and enforceability of contracts formed electronically, providing legal certainty to parties engaging in online transactions.

2. Electronic Signatures: It establishes the legal framework for the use of electronic signatures, ensuring their validity and reliability in electronic transactions.

3. Consumer Protection: The Act includes provisions to protect consumers engaged in online transactions, such as requirements for clear and transparent terms and conditions, dispute resolution mechanisms, and measures to prevent fraud and identity theft.

4. Data Privacy and Security: It sets standards for the protection of personal data collected and processed in online transactions, imposing obligations on businesses to secure and safeguard customer information.

5. Liability of Service Providers: The Act delineates the liability of internet service providers and online platforms for content hosted or transmitted through their networks, balancing the need to promote freedom of expression with the responsibility to combat illegal or harmful content.

Who is covered by this law?

The law shall apply to all business-to-business and business-to-consumer internet transactions within the mandate of the Department of Trade and Industry where one of the parties is situated within the Philippines or where the digital platform, e-retailer, or online merchant is availing of the Philippine market and has minimum contact therein.

What are the penalties when found guilty of violating the Internet Transaction Act?

Non-compliance with the provisions of the Act may result in penalties, including administrative fines, suspension or revocation of licenses, and even criminal liability in cases of serious violations such as data breaches or online fraud.

Implementation Date

The Internet Transactions Act was enacted on December 5, 2023, with a transition period of 18 months for compliance provided to affected parties. On June 5, 2025 the act will now in full force and effect, and businesses and individuals are expected to adhere to its provisions to ensure legal compliance and protect the interests of all parties involved in online transactions.


The Internet Transactions Act represents a significant step towards regulating and governing online transactions in the digital age. By establishing clear legal standards and protections for parties engaged in online commerce, the Act seeks to promote trust, confidence, and security in the digital marketplace. Businesses and individuals alike must familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Act and take proactive measures to ensure compliance, thereby contributing to a safe and thriving online ecosystem for all.

In summary, the Internet Transactions Act is a vital piece of legislation that lays the groundwork for the regulation of online transactions, safeguarding the rights and interests of consumers and businesses alike in the digital realm.